Dear Mommy,
Hello! It’s me, Zac! Don’t be alarmed. Daddy taught me how to use the computer for email and blogging and I am a quick learner (I’m only 7 weeks old!). It’s easier to put my thoughts and feeling in writing since most what I try to tell you in person sounds like “Rara rara rara rahhh”.
Anyway, I just couldn’t let today pass by without letting you know how much I love you. I am so glad that I got to be born to you and daddy (but mostly you). Seriously, I am so lucky to have a mommy that has never let me have diaper rash. A mommy that feeds me at a moments notice, at any time of day (or night). A mommy that got all the nicest stuff for me to have – that car seat is the comfiest! And don’t worry daddy, I’ll sleep in the crib someday, but the king size bed next to mommy is just too hard to pass up! 🙂
Mommy, thanks for quitting your full time job in Corporate America so you can be with me all the time. You are the best nurturer, and I can feel how much you love me each and every day. You know how sometimes you’ll be holding me and looking at me, and then I just look into your eyes and smile at you? Sometimes that’s because I just pooped, but most of the time it’s because I’m so happy to be with you. I love when you read me books and talk jibberish back to me. The sound of your voice puts me at ease and makes me feel so happy.
Bath time is the best. I love it when I get my daily bath and you help me get clean and let me relax. You always put me first, even if that means you don’t get a shower until late afternoon, or you are still wearing that shirt I spit up on this morning. And you are infinitely patient when I am not and all I can do is scream.
I want you to know that it means a lot to me. All the sacrifices you make for me. I love you so much and I am the luckiest baby. I can’t get enough hugs and kisses from you. It’s the best being in your arms and resting on your bosom – all I can do is cling to your hair to keep myself close.
I’m so glad you and daddy met 5 years ago in New York City. Daddy is lucky you stuck with him and said yes when he asked you to marry him. I love my house in Lehi – it’s so comfy and I feel so safe. I don’t quite understand how babies are made yet, but I know it took dedication and persistence from you and dad to get pregnant. I’m so glad you did.
I love you mommy.
Love, Zac
This was very sweet.