One week countdown

We have finally past the 39 week mark!  Just six more days to go… at least in theory.  On Saturday, March 2nd when I was 36 weeks and 4 days we actually had a big scare that the baby might come early.  It was just a normal day of running errands and getting things done around the house, that was until I started have serious camps that started coming every five minutes and lasted anywhere for 30 seconds to 1 minute.  It took me about fifteen minutes for me to realize that I was having contractions and not cramps!  It took me a a few minutes because it caught me so off guard… in my mind I had three and a half weeks before I had to start thinking about contractions… wrong.  The whole night was so funny looking back on it because Jason and I were freaking out!  His biggest worry during the whole thing was getting Zac’s room ready.  It had previously been a guest room and we sold all of the furniture include two large books shelves which left all of the books in the babies room.  Not only that, but everything that we had been receiving from our baby showers was in piles everywhere and all of his clothes were in his crib.  Haha! My biggest worry in-between contractions was laundry!  I didn’t have any clean clothes (aka yoga pants) to even think about packing a hospital bag.  Needless to say we were in contact with our doula and after about 4 hours we were able to get the contractions to slow down and then eventually stop.  Phew, that was a close call!  Both Jason and I were glad for the practice run because it made us kick things into high gear and get things done around the house.  Once the contractions start coming again I’d like to think we’d be much more graceful about the whole thing.

21 weeks 3 days21 weeks

34 Weeks 4 days35 weeks

37 weeks 5 days38 weeks

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