Happy 34th Birthday!

Happy, Happy Birthday to you Jason Waters! Today we woke up early to go float down the Provo River, per your birthday request. Which was no surprise, since you always love a good adventure!  As we were enjoying our time on the water, I kept thinking about all the ways that this adventure reminds me of you. … [Read more…]

Five Years

It seems like yesterday that my alarm went off and I woke so excited to marry you! I remember thinking that this was going to be the first of many days, where all our dreams would begin to come true. These last five years have been filled with the most amazing memories, gut wrenching laughter, … [Read more…]

Zac’s Labor Story

Labor Story – short version -Saturday, March 23rd I had my first contraction at 7:20am -Labored at home for 3 hours then went to the hospital -Arrived at the hospital at 10:45am dilated to 5cm -Contractions were 5 minutes apart and lasted at least 60 seconds when we arrived at the hospital.  My contractions were … [Read more…]

One week countdown

We have finally past the 39 week mark!  Just six more days to go… at least in theory.  On Saturday, March 2nd when I was 36 weeks and 4 days we actually had a big scare that the baby might come early.  It was just a normal day of running errands and getting things done … [Read more…]